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Genetic Testing

There is no sure way to predict whether a person will develop cancer or not. However, genetic testing is available to help hereditary cancer specialists identify if a person is at an increased risk of developing certain types of diseases, such as breast cancer, colorectal cancers, ovarian cancer, or prostate cancer. 

For this test, we will collect a blood or saliva sample from you that can show if you inherited an abnormal gene (mutation) that increases your risks for certain cancers. The results of this test can be relevant for both you and your family members.


A Guide to Cancer Genetic Testing

Genetic Testing FAQs

We know the ins and outs of genetic testing can be overwhelming. In this section, we address some important, frequently asked questions so you can feel more confident in your decision to participate in genetic testing.

Who Needs Genetic Testing for Cancer?

If you or someone in your family is diagnosed with cancer, it’s understandable that you’d be concerned as to whether or not this diagnosis puts you or your family members at an increased risk of developing cancer. But, do they really need it?

Hereditary Cancer Syndromes

You may be wondering “What types of cancers can you detect with genetic testing?” We know that genetic testing can provide valuable information about gene mutations related to certain types of cancers. It also provides insight into genes that may put you at more risk of developing cancer. 

Pros & Cons of Genetic Testing for Cancer

There are certainly some benefits to being tested for inherited gene mutations that are associated with cancer risks. However, it is important to understand that there are some disadvantages associated with cancer genetic testing.