Breast Cancer Education Center
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Detection & Diagnosis

Breast Cancer Videos
Watch videos created by our team to help you learn about many aspects of a breast cancer diagnosis and treatments.
What You Need to Know About Detecting Breast Cancer
Breast cancer screening is the #1 way to detect breast cancer early, when it's easier to treat. Localized breast cancer, or cancer that is considered early-stage, has a 99% five-year survival rate! Plus, learn more about how to get familiar with what's normal for your breasts.

Breast Cancer Screening: What's Right for You?
Learn more about breast cancer and how it's screened. If you're in the age range for breast cancer screening, be sure you have a plan in place. Talk to your doctor about what's right for you.
How is Breast Cancer Diagnosed and What's Next?
When a mammogram shows an area of concern, a biopsy is usually the next step, performed in a separate outpatient procedure.
What is a Breast Biopsy?
This small sample of tissue taken from the abnormal area of the breast will provide important details about the best next steps.
Free Guide for Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients
Get helpful tips from the Rocky Mountain Breast Specialist team on what to expect and how to prepare your mind and body for breast cancer treatment. Tips for your family too!
Recipes for Patient-Friendly Foods
It can be hard to eat when going through cancer treatment. Here are some recipe ideas for healthy meals and treats that cancer patients may find appealing!
Looking for a Breast Cancer Specialist?
The comprehensive approach offered by our breast cancer team combines the most advanced treatments with education, support services, and complementary therapies.