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Cancer Education Blog

Detecting Cancer Early: When to Start Screenings and How to Stay Proactive

9 min read

Cancer screening becomes an important part of your healthcare routine as you age. While there isn’t a test for every type of cancer, screening tests make it possible to identify some cancers before symptoms appear. The survival rate of cancer, when found at an early stage, is much higher than when found after it's advanced to other areas of the body. 

Let’s take a look at which cancers have screening tests, how they’re performed, and when to start screenings based on personal risk factors and family history. It is also important to become familiar with your body and what is normal for you, as this will help you notice any changes that may need to be evaluated by a doctor.

Who Performs Cancer Screening Tests?

Your primary care doctor requests most screening tests. For some cancers, a gynecologist may be the doctor overseeing your screening. If you haven’t already, talk to your doctor about any family history of cancer as well as risk factors you may have for a particular type of cancer. They may recommend starting earlier than recommended for people of average risk.

The screening tests themselves, such as a mammogram, colonoscopy, or lung cancer CT scan, are sometimes conducted at another facility. Other tests, such as a PSA blood test for men or a Pap test for women, are done during your regular doctor's appointment. 

Does Insurance Cover Cancer Screenings?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the United States requires most insurance plans to cover recommended cancer screenings without charging a co-payment, deductible, or co-insurance, as long as an in-network provider performs the screenings.

If you don’t have insurance, there are free and low-cost options for several cancer screenings. In Colorado, the Women’s Wellness Connection will work with you to provide cervical and breast cancer screenings. Talk with your doctor about other possible resources available for prostate and lung cancer screenings for little or no cost.

When to Start Cancer Screenings

There are several types of cancer that you can screen for. The age for each varies based on the type of cancer and your risk level. If you’re of average risk, there is a recommended age for starting the screening tests. If your risk is above average for any specific type of cancer, you’ll need to talk to your primary care doctor or gynecologist about when to start screening. 

Below we provide an overview of risk levels and when to start screening for cancers that have a screening test available.

Types of Cancer Screenings

Breast Cancer Screening

  • Average Risk: Women aged 40 to 74 should have yearly mammograms, and women 75 and older should continue as long as a woman is in good health and is expected to live 10 more years or longer.
  • High Risk: Women with a family history of breast cancer or genetic predispositions should consult their healthcare provider about starting mammograms or other imaging tests earlier.

Learn more about breast cancer screening 

Related read: A Guide to Your First Mammogram

Cervical Cancer Screening

  • Ages 21 to 29: A Pap test every three years is recommended.
  • Ages 30 to 65: Preferred screening is an HPV test every five years. Alternatives include co-testing (Pap test plus HPV test) every five years or a Pap test alone every three years.
  • Over 65: Women with a history of normal screening results may choose to stop screening.

Learn more about cervical cancer screening

Colorectal Cancer Screening

  • Average Risk: Screening should begin at age 45 and continue until 75. Several testing options are available, including at-home fecal tests with a colonoscopy every ten years, or other methods as recommended by a healthcare provider.
  • Increased Risk: Individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer may need to start screening earlier and possibly undergo more frequent testing.

Learn more about colorectal cancer screening

Related Read: When to Start Colon Cancer Screening

Lung Cancer Screening

High Risk: Current or former smokers aged 50 to 80 with a significant smoking history (20 pack-years or more) should consider annual low-dose CT scans.

This test is only recommended for those who are at high risk for developing lung cancer. There is no specific age for when to start. If you meet these criteria, talk to your doctor to create a screening plan.

Learn more about lung cancer screening

Prostate Cancer Screening

  • Average Risk: Starting at age 50, men can have a PSA blood test and a physical exam of the prostate. A single elevated PSA test result is not a sure sign of cancer. Multiple tests may be needed over several months to see if there is a steady rise in PSA and if there is another cause for the PSA levels being above average.

  • Increased Risk: Screening should start between ages 40 and 49 for men with multiple first-degree relatives diagnosed with prostate cancer. African American men who have at least one first-degree family member diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 65 should also consider starting screening sooner.

Learn more about prostate cancer screening

Pancreatic Cancer Screening

People who are considered high risk should have an MRI/MRCP and/or endoscopic ultrasound annually, starting at age 50, or 10 years prior to the earliest diagnosis in the family. 

Risk factors include:

  • Certain gene mutations such as ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2 mutation, and others
  • Family history of pancreatic cancer in two or more first-degree relatives
  • Family history of pancreatic cancer in three or more first and/or second-degree relatives

Skin Cancer Screening

There is no specific age for when to start skin cancer screening. However, anyone with fair skin, light hair, and light eyes should start monitoring their skin in their 20s or 30s. You are also at an increased risk if you have had sunburns in the past, have freckled skin or moles, use a tanning bed, or have a family history of skin cancer.

  • Self-Examination: Regularly check your skin for new moles or changes to existing ones, following the ABCDEs of melanoma: Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, Diameter over 6mm, and Evolving shape or size.
  • Clinical Exams: Individuals at higher risk, such as those with a family history of skin cancer or excessive sun exposure, should have regular skin examinations by a healthcare professional.

Learn more about skin cancer screening

Related read: How Partners Can Help Detect Prostate Problems Sooner

How Can You Self-Monitor for Cancer Symptoms?

The first step is to know your body. Some changes are a normal part of aging, whether it is age spots on your skin or the addition of some aches and pains we feel as we age. However, take note if something feels more significant than usual. 

By having a general understanding of your body’s “normal,” it becomes easier for you to take notice of any cancer warning signs that your body may be experiencing.

There are some general warning signs to watch because they can indicate something is wrong with your body. In general, everyone should watch for:

  • Fluctuation in weight: Stress can lead to either stress eating or lack of appetite, so take this into account. However, if you aren’t changing your exercise or eating habits too much, take note if you gain or lose more than five pounds in a matter of a few weeks.
  • Indigestion: Take note of relentless heartburn or indigestion that does not respond to standard medications or sticks around for longer than three weeks.
  • Unexplained severe fatigue.
  • A fever, persistent cough, trouble breathing, and muscle pain can be signs of something gone wrong. 

Pay Attention to Skin Changes

Skin cancer is very common, especially among pale-skinned individuals, but dark-skinned people aren’t immune. Note any of the following:

  • Any changes to moles, freckles, birthmarks, etc
  • Changes in skin color or texture
  • Unexplained bright red spots or bruising
  • Any dome-shaped bumps that are pink or purple in color and growing.
  • Moles that bleed without irritation

Know Your Breasts

Whether you are a man or a woman, you should know your healthy breasts and perform regular self-breast exams.

Learn more about how to perform a self breast exam.

If you develop any new lumps, inflammation, nipple changes, or unusual discharge (not breast milk), you should contact your doctor immediately. Also, note any lumps you might feel in the breast, underarm, or collarbone area, and talk to your doctor immediately. 

Other signs of breast cancer to watch out for include:

  • Swelling of all or part of the breast (even if no lump is present)
  • Skin irritation or itchiness
  • Orange peel-like dimpling of the skin
  • Breast pain
  • Change in breast size or shape
  • Nipple pain or a newly inverted nipple

Watch for Unusual Bleeding

For women, abnormal bleeding includes bleeding outside of your normal menstruation cycle or spotting after menopause. Talk to your primary care provider or gynecologist if you experience any unusual vaginal bleeding. 

Both men and women should also contact your doctor if you start to notice any of the following:

  • Vomiting, spitting, or coughing up blood
  • Bleeding from a mole or wart you did not scratch
  • Blood in your urine
  • Blood in your semen
  • Frequent nosebleeds

Notice Changes to Your Testicles

Men should also routinely check their testicles and scrotum for lumps, firmness, or enlargement. An infection can also cause these symptoms; therefore, it is best to talk with your doctor if you notice anything different. 

Be Aware of Unexplained, Unexpected Pain

Pain in any part of your body that doesn’t appear to have a reason is always a warning sign. Pain in your joints, bones, or the back of the lower legs in the absence of injury can be a warning sign of cancer. 

Be aware of unusual abdominal pain or bloating, painful intercourse, or any pain when coughing that isn’t a result of a prolonged bad cough. Pain can occur anywhere. For example, pain in your lower back or abdomen that you can’t explain is another issue if you are not constipated.

Monitor Changes in Bathroom Habits

Pay attention to your bowel movements and urination frequency to know what is normal for you. Changes in your bathroom habits can be an early indication of several health conditions, including urinary tract, colorectal, or prostate cancers.

Occasional diarrhea or loose stools aren’t too concerning if you’ve been under stress; however, if it’s ongoing for longer than a few days, talk with your doctor. It’s most likely not cancer, but you can become dehydrated if it goes for too long. 

Changes in bathroom habits to watch for include:

  • Repeated and frequent diarrhea or constipation for no apparent reason. (This can also be a sign of IBS or another digestive problem).
  • Constant urges to urinate or have a bowel movement, especially if nothing comes of them.
  • Not feeling empty after going to the bathroom.
  • Pain or difficulty going to the bathroom.
  • Change in the usual size, shape, and color of your stool (again, know your body. Some foods may induce stool changes).
  • Tea-colored urine.
  • Pale or unusual-smelling stool.

Related Reading: 5 Common Signs of Colon Cancer that are Easy to Overlook

It’s Not Necessarily Cancer

It’s important to remember that many changes in your body can have explanations that don’t involve cancer. However, it’s equally important not to dismiss something unusual without checking it out. If you notice a change that doesn’t resolve on its own after a week or two, it’s best to have it evaluated by a healthcare provider.  

Be mindful of what’s normal for your body and stay alert to any changes. Don’t panic, but take note of anything unusual and address it promptly. Regular cancer screenings are essential to your health, so ensure you’re up to date with the screenings recommended for your age, risk factors, and family history.  

For those who have survived cancer, staying vigilant about screenings for other types of cancer is equally critical. Monitoring your health and being proactive about regular checkups can make a big difference in early detection and overall health outcomes.

Importance of Early Cancer Detection

Detecting cancer early often allows for more treatment options and better outcomes. Regular screenings and self-examinations are proactive measures that can lead to early diagnosis when cancer is most treatable.

Consult with your healthcare provider to develop a personalized screening schedule based on your age, family history, and risk factors. Staying informed and vigilant about cancer screenings is one of the most important things you can do to care for yourself!

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