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Senate Bill 65

In accordance with Senate Bill 65: Transparency in Health Care Prices below is a listing of Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers’ 15 most commonly provided services.

Billing Code Description Self Pay Patient Charge Amount
85025 Complete comprehensive blood count with automated differential white blood cell count $11.16
36415 Routine venipuncture $3.45
99214 Office visit outpatient estimated 25 minutes $126.21
80053 Comprehensive metabolic panel $16.66
96413 Chemotherapy, intravenous infusion, 1 hr $162.96
99213 Office visit outpatient estimated 15 minutes $85.85
J1100 Dexamethasone sodium phosphate (decadron) 1 mg $0.50 per unit
96367 Therapeutic prophylactic diagnostic additional sequential intravenous infusion $36.37
96372 Therapeutic prophylactic diagnostic injection, subcutaneous or intermuscular $30.07
96375 Therapeutic prophylactic diagnostic injection new drug addon $26.35
J2469 Injection palonosetron hcl 25 mcg $61.00 per unit
J1200 Injection diphenhydramine hcl to 50 mg $1.50 per unit
96365 Therapeutic prophylactic diagnostic intravenous infusion, initial $81.64
82378 Carcinoembryonic antigen $29.91
99215 Office visit outpatient estimated 40 minutes $169.92



  1. The price for any given health care service is an estimate and that the actual charges are dependent on the circumstances at the time the service is rendered.
  2. If you are covered by health insurance, you are strongly encouraged to consult with your health insurer to determine accurate information about your financial responsibility for a particular health care service provided by a health care provider at this office. If you are not covered by health insurance, you are strongly encouraged to contact our billing office at 720-213-9400 to discuss payment options prior to receiving a health care service from a health care provider at this office since posted health care prices may not reflect the actual amount of your financial responsibility.